Welcome to People Centric University!

Discover courses designed by industry experts to help you become a People Centric leader. Learn at your own pace, apply practical tools, and make a real impact in your organization.

You’re Transformation Starts Now

Welcome to People Centric University, the ultimate hub for transformative leadership and management education. In today’s fast-paced business environment, the need for effective leadership has never been greater. That’s why we’ve created a unique learning model that allows you to absorb, reflect, and apply essential management skills at your own pace.

Our courses, starting with the Management Foundations Podclass, are meticulously curated by the seasoned experts at People Centric. These courses are designed to tackle real-world challenges that leaders face every day, from communication to team dynamics. Whether you’re a seasoned manager looking to sharpen your skills or a new leader stepping into the role, our courses offer valuable insights and practical tools that you can immediately implement.

But we don’t just stop at providing courses. Our advanced course management features let you track your progress, and our ‘never expires’ guarantee ensures that you can revisit the material whenever you need a refresher. Plus, you’ll have direct access to our team of experts for any questions or challenges you may encounter.

Invest in your future as a transformative leader. Join our movement to create a world where people are at the center of every organization. Enroll today and start your journey towards becoming a People Centric leader.

Getting Started

Our process is easy. With a free initial consultation, People Centric can help your organization find the best path forward to build a culture of engagement, focus, and accountability.

Our Courses

We co-create solutions using key strategies.

Create a Team of Problem Solvers

Management Foundations

Leadership Development

Step into the world of effective leadership with the Management Foundations Podclass. This on-demand course is designed to equip both new and seasoned managers with essential skills for today’s dynamic workforce. Learn at your own pace as you dive into topics like communication, delegation, and feedback. All for just $25, this course is your gateway to becoming a People Centric leader.

“To be honest, doing this work with you guys has saved my shop. It’s funny how when you are a really good tech that people think you should be a good manager, too. I wasn’t and it was very frustrating to me to fail. I had never failed before. Not only did I almost lose a lot of great guys, but I also almost left my job. Over the last two years my performance as a manager has taken exponential leaps as I have put into practice the things I learn at Mastermind and coaching.”

Dusty Piper,
Shop Manager at Crump Truck

“We have been working with People Centric for a year now, and already we have experienced a cultural shift. After 45 years, transforming ourselves from a founder-led company to a company guided by multiple leaders – in a creative field, no less! – has required determination and no small amount of courage from every team member. People Centric has brought empathy and discipline to the process, and they’re having a measurable impact on our business.”

Christine Allison,
CEO and Editor-in-Chief at D Magazine