I recently completed my certification and am now a licensed coach for The Great Game of Business™. People Centric is excited to partner with The Great Game of Business to offer this service to our clients. We’ve already implemented parts of The Game with some clients and are excited by the results.

A few weeks ago, I worked with a client to implement the Great Game®.  We started with an onsite visit where we had all of the employees in a room talking about the success of their company and a few things that were limiting their success.  One of the factors that was limiting their success was rework.  Rework occurs when you have to remake a product that was already made, usually because of a quality defect or mistake.

At the beginning of our conversations with this team, the employees were a little skeptical and cautious.  As we talked about their company and answered questions, they became more and more engaged.  When we got to the topic of rework, they really started to lean in.   We did an exercise where the employees designed their own MiniGame™ around rework.  A MiniGame is a short-term game where a team works together over 2-3 months to improve something.  If they win the game, they get an award. 

The employees developed a game around rework and began discussing the most common causes for rework.  After the all-employee meeting, we were talking with some of the supervisors.  One of the supervisors commented that he had never seen his team so excited.  They were continuing to talk about things they could do to minimize rework well after our meeting was completed.  A week later, I got an email saying that they were continuing to make changes to reduce rework and that they were very excited to play the MiniGame. 

Most people really want to do the right things, but many employees aren’t clear about what that is.  The Great Game helps to create that clarity for people within an organization so that they can see how their day to day actions impact the company.  Then it also helps them connect how the success of the company impacts their own personal success. 

We are excited to add The Great Game of Business to our services for clients and will be sharing more stories!  In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more, we recommend reading Jack Stack’s book, The Great Game of Business.  Contact me ( if you are interested in implementing the Game into your team.

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