A community is judged not by it’s challenges, but by it’s response to the challenges. During the challenging times presented by the COVID-19 virus, we get to determine our response as a community.

We can choose to be negative. We can point fingers. We can take sides. We can share pictures of people hoarding toilet paper. We can argue on social media. We can post sarcastic memes. We can hoard. We can close our doors. We can look out for ourselves.


We can choose to be positive. We can host conversations. We can find a balanced response. We can share stories of people helping each other. We can post resources on social media. We can encourage each other. We can share with people who don’t have what they need. We can open our hearts and connect with our neighbors (even if its not in person). We can look out for each other.

Leadership is all about influence and you get decide what type of leader you want to be.