It is no surprise to you that People Centric thinks that people are the key to every organization. We know that people are the key to high performing cultures, more productivity, more profitability, and happier workplaces. We work with clients across the country to ensure that they are using the people in the organization to their fullest capacity. And since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic this concept of utilizing people has become more evident to us. We are more passionate than ever about helping organizations realize the potential of their people.

We spend so much time at work, that our work becomes personal. So much of who we are is tied to what we do. But at People Centric we still believe that it is so much more than work.

Work can be fulfilling. When you get the opportunity to do what you are good at with other people and with some autonomy to make decisions that impact the results, your work can be incredibly rewarding.

Managing can be rewarding. When you work with someone to help them to reach their potential and you see them doing things they wouldn’t have done without your support, your work can be enriching.

Running an organization can be life changing. When you design and run an organization that not only is successful in what it does, but also becomes a place where people can work within their core strengths and passions with clarity and purpose, your work can be amazing.

Still, in the US, only 1 out of 3 people find their work rewarding and engaging. This has a devastating effect. Business lose billions of dollars in lost profits. Non profits fail to serve their communities. And worse, people spend 40% of their life doing something that doesn’t really challenge them or something that they hate.

This is why we do what we do. We are trying to create a movement. We are trying show the world that your job can be more than work, it can be an amazing part of your life.

In an effort to help everyone understand how to get the most out of their work, we want to share our insights to more people. We want people to know how to handle relationships at work, change cultures, build teams, and enjoy their work more. Because we KNOW that when people enjoy their work more, they also enjoy their lives more. Communities are better, families are better, and friendships are better when people enjoy what they do every day. So, we are launching a podcast. It is a small thing, that we are hoping will make a big impact in everyday lives.  We are calling it More Than Work.

If you want to hear our insights on building work relationships, dealing with difficult coworkers, understanding what your boss is thinking, knowing how to navigate change, and much much more, tune in. You can find us on Spotify right now and we are working to get on some other podcast platforms.  New episodes are available every Wednesday. And, we also want to hear from you if you have a situation you need help with. You can write us at

Business is personal and we are More Than Work.